
Welcome to The Sting!

Studio Telephone Number: 585-273-2748
E-mail: wrur_radio@u.rochester.edu (General Inquiries); wrurmusic@gmail.com (Music Inquiries)
Instagram: @wrur

Launched in the fall of 2009, The Sting is WRUR’s internet-only counterpart. Tune in for music selected by students, news about campus events and activities, live broadcasts of UofR sporting events, and much much more.

The Station is operated by University of Rochester students and broadcasts from the River Campus Studios of WRUR in Todd Union.

For more information about our FM shows, check out http://wrur.org/.

Current Executive Board

General Managers – Emma Buller & Caden Dillon
Chief Engineer – Elek Yuhas
Business Manager –  John Fix
Creative Director – Ellis Siepel
FM Programming Director – Winston Liu
Sting Programming Director – Samuel Fieldson
Music Director – Jay Kinde
Production Manager – Merrill Traphagan
TV Manager – Jamie Rubinstein
Alumni Coordinator – Skyler Frazier
Event Coordinator – Frankie Troyer
IT Director – Willow Veytsman
Podcasting Director – Cate Emerick

Listen Now
Current Show: The Sting